Walking With Jesus - Volume 1 - Lesson 003
Read lesson 3 on pages 61-73.
“Walking With Jesus”
Lesson Commentary
LOC – 003 Introducing the Bible Text –
Being God’s Man – Know Your Style
Have you ever told a story that you had to introduce before you could actually tell it? Did you need to set the stage? Good News always brings excitement. What is the most recent good news that you have heard? What is the best news that you have ever heard?
If you were to write a title for your life, what would you like for it to be? How would you like to be remembered after you are gone? Have you studied your family tree to learn about where your ancestors came from?
In this lesson, we are going to observe how each writer begins his Gospel. Each has his own style of writing and unique audience. Knowing your style will be helpful to you as you seek to tell others about Jesus.
Mark’s Title – name given to a literary work. – Mark 1:1
It is the title to the story about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ! Mark’s Gospel is addressed TO THE ROMANS! Even though Jesus was with God the Father in the act of creation, His life on this earth has a beginning. Gospel comes from the Greek word, “Euanggellion. ”It means “Good News”. Jesus is the good news about God reaching down to establish an eternal relationship with man! Is there any greater news than being set free from our sins? Mark is the only writer to use the word “Gospel” in his book.
“Jesus” is Greek for “Joshua” which means, “God is salvation.” Christ is Greek for “anointed one” (the Hebrew word is Messiah)!Romans understand “gods” as beings of power so Mark focuses on the power of Jesus as God the man. JESUS IS THE POWER! Mark takes the Roman’s quest for power and presents Jesus as the ultimate solution. We can likewise take the power of the Gospel to change the lives of others so they can find that power in their lives as well.
We can use Mark’s style to reach those around us who are seeking real power in their life. You can also develop that power in your life as you go through “Walking With Jesus.” You will become better equipped to handle the trials and challenges that we all face and you exercise the strength God has given you to deal with those situations.
Luke’s Preface – An introductory statement to start the story. – Luke 1:1-4
Luke employs the style of contemporary historical and technical writers. Luke acknowledges that he is not the first or only person to write about Jesus. He simply sets out to tell the accurate and true story. Luke seeks to inform THE GENTILES! Luke writes to “most excellent Theophilus” which means, “God lover.” This could be a person or anyone who loves God! “Most excellent” recognizes the person as one worthy of honor! Are you a “Theophilus?”
Luke seeks to give his readers a researched and thorough accounting of what Jesus did and taught. By “Walking With Jesus” you are developing an accurate understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus so that you can tell others. Those who love god will love Jesus and are honored!
John’s Prologue – preliminary action foreshadowing a greater event. The Prologue sets the stage so that he can tell you the real story! – John 1:1-18
John’s prologue is more of a theological statement than an introduction. A prologue is an introduction foreshadowing a greater event! John’s Prologue is comprised of three parts which are divided by statements about John the Baptist. John seeks to reach THE LOST! Before time existed, Jesus is! He is the Logos means WORD of God. JESUS IS THE WORD OF GOD! He is present before creation. He is cause, not effect. Jesus is the SON means He is the light who has come to change men’s lives! He changes men’s lives for the better!
John the Baptist is mentioned as an immediate forerunner to proclaim the coming of the Messiah! Jesus gives us the REAL POWER to become sons of God!
The oppression of the church will fail, but Christ’s Church shall prevail! We are born as children of God when we accept Jesus as God’s Son and our Lord and Savior! God, God’s WORD – Jesus has come and lived among us! We are recipients of God’s grace, first by Moses, but far more so by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ!
Matthew’s Genealogy – chart or recorded history of descendants. – Matthew 1:1-17
Jesus has a very important genealogy! Matthew writes to prove Jesus as Messiah TO THE JEWS! Matthew and Luke give the genealogy of Jesus. Matthew follows the legal lineage via Joseph. This will show that Jesus is a true descendant from David. Luke follows the physical lineage of Jesus through Mary. He traces it all the way back to Abraham and Adam.(We are all connected to Jesus.)Matthew mentions Tamar (who prostituted herself with her father-in-law), Rahab (a prostitute and foreigner), Ruth (a foreigner) and Bathsheba (with whom David had an adulterous affair).God can accomplish His divine will even out of man’s fallen state! Matthew shows 3 sets of 14 generations. Jesus’ lineage is an important step in proving that He is the Messiah! It proves He is a descendant of David and Abraham as prophesied.
CONCLUSION – photo of Mt. Tabor – hills of Galilee
In similar manner, your genealogy is an important part of your identity. The most important part of your genealogy is whether or not you are a part of the family of God. “Walking With Jesus” will help you grow as a member of God’s family.
Next Week
We are going to see Zechariah get the surprise of his life. And he won’t be able to talk about it! Meanwhile, God Bless and have a great week.