Walking With Jesus - Volume 01 - Lesson 006

LOC – 006 – The Birth of John the Baptist

Lesson Objectives

We must seek and be listening to God.
God is still inter-active in His relationship with man.
God can do what we find impossible.
Obedience to God is more important than giving in to man's pressures.
Angels are real.

Lesson Commentary

Read Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 1:57-80

The account of the birth of Jesus isn’t so important for historical information as it is to interpret the role a child is destined to play in salvation history and to emphasize that God initiates the role. He is God, yet He is also a man. The events around His birth will confirm that truth.

Well, Mary and Elizabeth are going to give birth. But wait a minute, Mary is not married, she is only engaged. Joseph, her fiancé, has not had sexual relations with her. They wait until after they are married (and after Jesus is born) to have sexual relations. How did she become pregnant? And now she has gone off to her cousin’s for three months. What is going to happen when she gets back?

Matthew wrote to the Jews. He addresses the Joseph side of the issue just as Luke addresses Mary’s story. Jesus being adopted by Joseph will be just as acceptable to Jewish lineage as Him being the actual son of Joseph.

Annunciation of Jesus’ Birth to Joseph

Mt. 1:18 – Before the marriage ceremony, Joseph finds out that Mary is pregnant. Who told him? What has he been told? Did Mary confide in him before she left or after she got back? Did someone else “tattle?” Most women don’t know they are pregnant until about a month after the fact. Mary has already left to visit Elizabeth. We are not given any information about how Joseph finds out about his fiancé's pregnancy.

Mt. 1:19 – The fact that Mary is pregnant out of wedlock makes her liable to stoning by Mosaical Law. Joseph has the right and authority to expose Mary and have her situation made public. But Joseph, a person of righteousness and mercy, loves Mary, but he is not willing to marry a woman who is pregnant by someone else. Rather than subject her to public ridicule, he is going to break off the engagement quietly by divorcing her by Jewish custom. Betrothal is equal to marriage. It can last as long as a year before the actual wedding ceremony. Breaking a betrothal takes a writing of a divorce. How would you feel, men, if you found out that the woman you are engaged to is pregnant and you have not had sexual relations with her and she has not been raped?

Mt. 1:20 – An angel (Gabriel?) intervenes on Mary and God’s behalf. There are several places where angels announced the birth of a child in the Old Testament in that respect; there is nothing out of the ordinary. Being conceived by the Holy Spirit means that Jesus is the “Child or Seed of God”. Sometimes God has to wait until we are quiet before He can talk to us. Gabriel appeared to Mary directly, but God waits until Joseph is asleep and speaks to him through a dream. How has God spoken to you in your Christian walk?

Mt. 1:21 – This angel not only tells Joseph that Mary is going to have God’s baby, but he also tells him what to name the child. Jesus means “Yahweh is Salvation”. God makes a promise to Joseph. Jesus is going to be the Savior that Israel has been looking for, the Messiah! What goes through a father or mother’s mind when they find out they are to have a child? Did you ever think about it? Did you worry about; “Will our baby be healthy? What will our child grow up to become? Will he have a successful life?”

God tells Joseph, as He told Mary, that Jesus will be born, that He will grow up and be someone that will be a blessing to them. The fact that Jesus will save the people from their sins is probably beyond Joseph’s comprehension.

Mt. 1:22 – Matthew is going to point out how Jesus fulfilled many Jewish prophecies. (This is from Isaiah 7:14). Virgin – Mary would not have qualified had she been married first! God makes a very important statement here about marriage. Mary was not going to be a single parent. That is not the best or adequate way to raise a healthy child. God makes a strong statement about Joseph. He trusts him to be the earthly stepfather of His only Son! “Fulfill” is used eleven times in Matthew. That is more than the other three Gospels combined. Matthew is writing to the Jews to convince them that Jesus is the Messiah that is prophesied in the Old Testament.

Mt. 1:23 – Emmanuel means “God living among man in human flesh with all it’s limitations and problems.” He knows what we endure as humans. Matthew mentions that a virgin will conceive, but his emphasis is more on the words “God with us.”

Mt. 1:24 – Joseph, like Mary, is obedient to the Lord – an act of faith and trust. Joseph is willing to accept a child that is not his as his own. How many of you men today would be willing to adopt a child that your wife had conceived through someone else whether by previous marriage, rape, or an immoral affair?

Mt. 1:25 – Joseph marries Mary, but does not consummate the marriage until after Jesus is born. Some have even tried to suggest that they had no sexual relations even after Jesus was born. This is not true, because we will later see that Joseph and Mary have other children. Jesus is not an only child in His earthly family. He is the oldest child in the home.
(Church in Ein Kerem at or near where Zechariah and Elizabeth lived.)
Photo courtesy of Google Earth

Birth of John the Baptist

Lk. 1:57-80 – Birth of John the Baptist – Back to the Human side of the Life of Christ. Mary stays until time for Elizabeth to deliver. We do not know whether she stays there for the birth., It is likely, that she did, but only implied at best.

Lk. 1:57 – God keeps His promises to us. Elizabeth gives birth as God said she would, in the fullness of His time. In her older years, she has an uncomplicated pregnancy and gives birth to a healthy son. What a miracle!!!

Lk. 1:58 – “Have you heard the news? Elizabeth has had a baby boy. We’re so happy for her!” Everyone nearby who knows Zechariah and Elizabeth, will rejoice with them at the event of their good news. This is something phenomenal. Older women, how would you feel to give birth to a child at your current age? Can you similarly imagine how Sarah felt when she gave birth to Isaac?

Lk. 1:59 – Zechariah is careful to circumcise John on the eighth day. This Jewish custom was climatic to introducing a male child into the Jewish community. It is even performed on a Sabbath if that is the eighth day. (See Genesis 17:10-12). This is when the child is also “officially” named. Zechariah is careful to follow the law. It is a common Jewish custom to name the child after someone in the family. Therefore, the people want to name John after his father, but Elizabeth insists on obeying God. John’s name means “God is gracious.” That applies to Zechariah and Elizabeth, and to us also.

Lk. 1:60 – When the people propose to name the baby after his father, a common custom, Elizabeth intervenes and says he is to be named John. God has given a specific instruction. Zechariah and Elizabeth are God fearing and loving people. They will want to follow God’s instructions. John means “gracious.” Certainly God will show His grace through John’s preaching and Jesus providing for our salvation. What instruction from God are you having a struggle with?

Lk. 1:61 – The family and friends are well meaning, but they do not know the will of God. Their efforts to intervene and manipulate are not successful with Elizabeth.

Lk. 1:62 – They turn to Zechariah to try to get their way over Elizabeth. Surely, he will be honored to have a son named after him, especially after these many years of waiting, but he has heard from God’s angel. They petition Zechariah to see what he wanted. He also insists on obeying God.

Lk. 1:63 – Zechariah settles the matter by writing, “His name is John.” Case closed! Obedience to God is more important than pleasing your fellow man.

Lk. 1:64 – As a result of God's promise to him, Zechariah’s speech problem is resolved. The angel's promise is fulfilled. This is a clear testimony from God that Zechariah’s dumbness is directly connected to John’s conception and birth. The first words out of Zechariah’s mouth are praises to God for His mighty works. He takes God’s discipline in a correct manner! How do you react when God disciplines you?

Lk. 1:65 – Awe means reverential respect. They realize the intervention of God in causing this to happen. This story will make the local news, even in Jerusalem.

Lk. 1:66 – It also causes those who know Zechariah and Elizabeth to marvel what kind of man John will grow to become. They definitely recognize God’s hand in this matter. Something about this baby keeps them in remembrance that God is in charge in his life. Zechariah, filled with the Spirit, prophecies concerning Christ, in Luke 1:68-75, and John the Baptist in Luke 1:76-79. Mary’s words were spoken in the style of the Psalms. Zechariah’s words are spoken in the style of the prophets.

Zechariah Prophesies Concerning Jesus the Christ

Lk. 1:67 – The following verses are known as the “Benedictus.” The first part of the “Benedictus” is definitely Jewish in nature. It is filled with Old Testament references and allusions. Zechariah is led in these words by the filling of the Holy Spirit. This is God speaking through the mouthpiece of Zechariah. Not only has God forgiven him of his earlier doubt or unbelief, but He has also rewarded him with the words of this prophecy.

Lk. 1:68 – Zechariah praises God and tells us why. The words prophecy of the Messiah. Nothing is said of the immediate family situation that has just been experienced. He speaks of God’s redemption even before seeing what it is and understanding what it fully means. Indeed, redemption is the reason God’s Son came to earth to live among men.

Lk. 1:69 – The “horn of salvation” can be compared to Joshua’s horn causing the walls of Jericho to tumble and Gideon’s horn causing the enemy to fight one another and flee. It means victory to Israel. Horns symbolize an animal’s power. The power of this horn comes from the house of David. Jesus is a direct descendant of David on both sides of His parents. As David was a symbol of salvation from Israel’s enemies, Jesus is our salvation from Satan’s power and control.

Lk. 1:70 – We are reminded that the prophets in the Old Testament have spoken of a “horn of salvation” for some time. There is a high degree of expectation among the Jews that the Messiah is coming very soon.

Lk. 1:71 – For most Jews, their perceived enemy is the Romans. They are so burdened and frustrated by the Romans that they are looking forward to salvation from Roman oppression, more than salvation from sin. Our real enemy is the devil. Our real salvation is from the entrapment of sin, not from any government entity.

Lk. 1:72-74 – God is a covenant keeping God. He turns His blessing to His Son – “...a prophet of the Most High...” From the Garden of Eden, and many times since, God has promised a Messiah, who will save the world from the consequences of sin. Jesus is the fulfillment of that promise.

Lk. 1:73 – Jesus is the fulfillment of the fourth promise that God made to Abraham. (See Genesis 12:1-3). Through Jesus, all nations of the earth now have the opportunity to be saved from sin.

Lk. 1:74-75 – Our real enemy is not another human being or nation. The only real enemy that we have to fight against is Satan and the demons that try to tempt us to sin. What a tragedy when Christians attack other Christians because of differences of belief, instead of attacking the sin in our society. We would be better spent focusing our energies on evangelism than on trying to make other believers conform to our denominational opinions!

Zechariah Prophesies Concerning John the Baptist

Lk. 1:76 – Now Zechariah turns his focus towards John. He describes a prophetic ministry of John that will be similar to the life of Elijah. He will be a new revelation to Israel after several hundred years of prophetic silence from God. As Aaron spoke for Moses, so John will speak for Jesus Christ.

Lk. 1:77 – Though most people are looking for salvation from the Romans (see v. 69 above), some do realize that sin is the real enemy. This reference is not to a political salvation, but spiritual salvation. John is to help the people realize that they need to be forgiven of their sins. They need someone to pay the price for them so that they can enter into a real and personal relationship with God.

Lk. 1:78 – When we least deserve it, God shows a mercy unequalled by anything man has yet to experience. God doesn’t give us what we deserve, but shows mercy and grace by allowing us opportunity and means to repent and be forgiven of our sins. We may repeatedly rebel against Him, yet God loves us and withholds punishing us to put it all on His own SON.

Lk. 1:79 – Jesus is the Light of the World. Sin is the darkness, and the shadow of death is the wages of sin. Peace is the result of Jesus’ promise residing in your life, not a cessation of hostilities. As the SON light shines in us, we discover God’s will all around us. We are also rescued from the darkness of sin.

Lk. 1:80 – The child grows spiritually as God said he would. His strength of character and spirit are evident as he grows to maturity. He lives in the desert, away from public attention. This is the last we will hear of him until he starts preaching when he is thirty years of age. Cf. Luke 3:2b.

Next week, we are going to celebrate the real Christmas. Only this time, you don’t have to go shopping for presents. Just bring the gift of your heart of love to the Lord. And be prepared to receive the gift of God’s Son come to earth to live among men and give you eternal life.

Read Luke 2:1-20.

“Walking With Jesus”

Lesson Commentary

LOC – 006 – Joseph Learns About His Fiancé,
How to Tell When God is Speaking To You

How did you feel when you learned that you were expecting your 1st child? Girls, were you elated, happy, anxious or fearful? Guys, were you proud, anxious or scared? Most married couples are excited to learn this good news! Some of you have made the mistake of having sexual relations outside of marriage and conceiving a baby. What was your first reaction when you realized that you were responsible for the conception of that child? Were you underage and afraid to tell your parents? Did you marry the other person or terminate the relationship? Guys, how would you feel if your fiancé was pregnant and you weren’t the father?

We are in Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 1:57-80. How can you tell when God is speaking to you?

In Matthew 1:18-25 we see Joseph’s reaction to his fiancé being pregnant! We have no clue about how Joseph found out (did Mary tell him or did he find out later)?He loved Mary, but was unwilling to marry someone who was immoral. How would you guys feel if you found out your fiancé was pregnant and you had not had any sexual behavior of any kind with her!

Sex is for marriage and having sex before marriage only undermines that or any other future marriage relationship.Statistics show that couples who have sex before marriage almost always end up in divorce! Mary could legally be stoned to death for being pregnant and unmarried! Joseph loves her and doesn’t want to see that, but he doesn’t want to marry a woman who has been immoral. If she is immoral before marriage, what is to keep her from being immoral after marriage?

It is Always Backed by Scripture!Matthew 1:24-25

While Joseph is pondering his next action, God answers his question for him. Gabriel appeared face to face to Zechariah and Mary, but God chooses to speak to Joseph via an angel (Gabriel?) in a dream. God is not limited to only one method of communicating with man! He uses Scripture, dreams, angels, other Christians and the Church to communicate His will for our lives.

The angel confirms that the baby will be named “Jesus” – “God is salvation”. As with Mary, Joseph is told that Jesus will be a healthy boy who will grow to do a great work for God and man! God trusts Joseph to be the earthly stepfather of His SON!A reference to his character! Matthew quotes Isaiah 7:14 to prove fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. Joseph and Mary do not have sexual relations until after Jesus is born! Meanwhile, Mary has been visiting Elizabeth until it is time for John the Baptist to be born. Luke 1:57-80 records the birth of Zechariah and Elizabeth’s son, John.

It Will Bring Joy to Others!Luke 1:57-58

Zechariah and Elizabeth are old enough to be grandparents, but they are excited at the birth of their first child just as God foretold. When God makes a promise, He keeps it! John the Baptist’s parents are very diligent to see that he is raised according to Jewish law and God’s special instructions. How many of you older women would like to have a baby now?

It Will Help You Overcome Past Doubts!Luke 1:59-64

The baby is circumcised and named on the eighth day according to the Law. This was done even on the Sabbath. The crowd logically assumes that he will be named Zechariah, Jr. But Elizabeth says no. They try to go around her, but Zechariah writes, “He will be called John,” which means, “God is gracious.” Zechariah speaks! How would you like to get your voice back after 9 months of silence? His first words are of praise to God! Obedience to God is more important than pleasing your fellow man! God will prove Himself true again and again, which will remove any justification for doubting.

It Will Fill People with Awe!Luke 1:65

The people are awed (which means “reverential respect”) at what they have witnessed. This is truly a miraculous event and will impact a lot of people. God doesn’t always work in the extraordinary, but you definitely know it when He does. The results are profound and beyond human explanation.

It Will Bring Exciting Expectations of the Future!Luke 1:66

Zechariah’s praise suggests salvation from Romans more than salvation from sin. John will grow to be a prophet of God, which Israel hasn’t had in 400 years. What a proclamation from a father for his son! Are you planting a Godly destiny in your children (or are you calling them derogatory names and pronouncing a curse on them?) Will your child be a baseball star or man in jail? Our greatest enemy is the devil, not any government or human threat!

It Will Bring People to Praise God!Luke 1:67-73

Zechariah can now speak and the first words out of his mouth proclaim that John will point the people to the source of salvation from their sins! When we least deserve it, God shows us mercy and grace and the means of repentance and salvation. This is going to bring everyone to praise God.

It Will Remove Fear!Luke 1:74-75

When we know we have obeyed what God has said, we have no fear of God or man. We are free to serve and love God without fear of retribution or punishment.

It Will Draw People to God!Luke 1:76-79

The only words about John’s childhood are that he grew up strong and healthy and lived in the desert until it was time for him to begin his duties.

It Will Always Come True!Luke 1:80

John will be thirty years old when we encounter him again. He will live as God had directed. God never fails to deliver on His promises.


God can work among us today just as He did 2,000 years ago as He chooses. Also, our salvation is from sin, not any human or organization.

Next Week: We are going to celebrate Christmas.

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