Walking With Jesus - Volume 1 - Lesson 008
Read lesson 8 on pages 127-137
“Walking With Jesus”
Lesson Commentary
How to Stand Righteous Before God!
Ever desire for a word of confirmation or encouragement when facing an uncertain event? Am I doing the right thing, the right way? Am I pleasing God in what I am doing with my life? How can I get God to listen to my prayers? How many parents know how to raise their child and deal with every event with full confidence that their child will not die, but grow to adulthood and be successful? If I stand righteous before God, will I get the same results as these people are getting? How do I gain God’s favor and guidance in my life? What can we learn about standing righteous before God from Matthew 1:25b and Luke 2:21-39?
Obey God’s Rules – Joseph and Mary are Careful to be Obedient to the Mosaical Law and are Blessed! – Matthew 1:25b; Luke 2:21
On the eighth day, Jesus is circumcised and named according to the requirements of the Mosaical Law. This takes place at the local synagogue (in Bethlehem). Jesus is then dedicated at the Temple on fortieth day and the redemption sacrifice is offered for the firstborn of two turtledoves because they can’t afford a lamb. It is also the time in which the baby is named. Jesus is the same as Joshua which means “Yahweh (God) is Salvation!”
It appears that Joseph and Mary have decided to stay in Bethlehem. This will make the trip to Jerusalem for the dedication of the baby shorter and easier. Joseph is self-employed. He can easily take up his trade in Bethlehem! Joseph and Mary are obedient to God even though they don’t know all they would like to know as parents. Though Joseph and Mary are poor, they are never lacking of food, shelter or clothing!
We don’t do the eighth day and fortieth day rituals because we are no longer bound by the Old Testament. Instead, we live by the Great Commandments. Also, God doesn’t look on money as man does. He does not promise wealth on His followers, but He does promise to provide ways for us to acquire what we need to live on. Health, wealth and long life were promises to those who were obedient to the Old Covenant. In the New Testament, God promises forgiveness of sin and eternal life. That is much more important and valuable than what the Old Testament offered. Poor people are greater than rich people in the eyes of God. Our responsibility is to be obedient to God in every area of our lives. God knew that Joseph and Mary would be obedient to His Laws and that they would be responsible as parents of the Messiah. Can God trust you to be obedient to what He has called you to do?
Follow God’s Heart – Simeon Trusts God and is Rewarded. – Luke 2:22-35
Simeon confirms who Jesus is! While Joseph and Mary are approaching the Temple, they are greeted by Simeon, an insignificant old man who has been living right before God (righteous) and is devoted to worshipping and serving Him. Wouldn’t you like people to say that about you? Is there any reason why they can’t? Fix it!
Simeon was righteous and devout and saw the prophecies concerning the Messiah as nearing their fulfillment. Holy Spirit told him that he would see the Messiah! As Joseph and Mary approach the Temple, he takes Jesus, praises God and says, “Let me die now in peace”!“ I have seen the Savior that you have promised. Simeon saw that Jesus would bring a revelation to the Gentiles! Now that God has fulfilled His promise to Simeon, Simeon is ready to die because he knows God is faithful and that eternal life awaits him when he leaves this world. Joseph and Mary marvel at what Simeon is saying! What would you think if a stranger confirmed a special revelation about your baby? Simeon sees more in the baby than the nation will see in the man!
Follow God’s Heart – Anna is Faithful and is rewarded. – Luke 2:36-39
As Joseph and Mary continue to their presentation destination in the Temple grounds and Anna happens to be there. She is an insignificant 84-year-old widow and prophetess who is at the temple every day praying from sun-up to sundown. Anna had been married 7 years, but has spent the rest of her life in the Temple. Because she is a widow, Anna probably depends upon handouts for her existence. Have you sometimes wished you could have that much freedom to be at church praying?More prayer equals more hearing from God! Anna sees the baby Jesus as the redemption of Jerusalem.
Anna most definitely knows Simeon. Both of them have spent much time around the Temple for many years. Luke establishes her place in history for his Greek readers. The Spirit of God guides her to recognize who this baby Jesus is and praise God upon seeing the baby. She also tells others around who He is! Joseph and Mary are very touched by the observations and comments of these strangers. Having completed the nature of their visit, Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus go home.
Have you ever had a stranger proclaim praise about the future of your baby? How do you think you would feel if you were Joseph and Mary? How much would it mean to you if someone told you that your child was going to be a great leader and savior or the world? That is a promise that your child will not die, be injured or hurt, but will grow up to be a responsible adult of whom you can be very proud. A prophet is a forth-teller, one who speaks for God and interprets His will.Today, the preacher is one who proclaims and expounds the truths of Scripture. Preachers today proclaim short-term events as opposed to the many long-term prophecies that we see in Old Testament. When you follow God’s heart, you can anticipate God’s rewards with confidence.
God often uses “insignificant” people to accomplish His purposes! Just as He used Joseph, Mary, Simeon and Anna, He can use us!
Next Week: As best we can tell, the wise men haven’t arrived yet. But the star is shinning and they are on their way! Joseph and Mary appear to have taken up residence in Bethlehem.