Walking With Jesus - Volume 01 - Lesson 022

LOC – 022 – A Revival in Sychar

Lesson Objectives:

Jesus isn’t encumbered with manmade rules that hinder God’s goals.

Jesus can see beyond our human circumstances.

Marriage is a lifetime covenant and multiple marriages or “living together” is not God’s standard.

Jesus cares about all people, not just those of His own race!

People are “hungry” to hear about Jesus!

Spiritual matters are more important than physical nourishment.

We will learn some things about harvesting souls for Jesus.

Lesson Commentary

Read John 4:27-42

Jesus is on His way to Galilee to evangelize the region. He will spend most of His ministry there, especially around Capernaum on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee. Instead of crossing the Jordan River like most Jews, He takes this trip straight up a major route through Samaria. During His journey, He stops at Jacob’s well and has an exposing encounter with a Samaritan woman. We didn’t get to finish the entire story in the last lesson, so let’s pick up and take it to the end.

Jesus has been talking with this Samaritan woman for a little bit. More is probably missing in their conversation than what is recorded, however, what we read says a lot. We are learning how Jesus feels about those who aren’t Jews and how He regards women. We are learning about priorities and some important thoughts about God’s values in the area of sexual morality and marriage. Jesus is now going to remind the disciples that there are some things that are even more important than daily nourishment. Let’s pick up where we left off and do some more “Walking With Jesus.”

The Disciples Return

Jn. 4:27 – Jesus has just come to the head of His conversation with the woman when the disciples return. The disciples marvel at what they see when they return with dinner. This is breech of Jewish standards on two grounds. First, Jesus is a rabbi, and talking with a woman is something that a rabbi would not normally do. Second, He is not only talking to a woman, but she is also a Samaritan, and Jews do not associate with Samaritans. Strange as this is, they have already learned not to question Him until after she leaves. How would you feel if someone you admired and respected was close with someone whom you detested? They dare not ask Him why He is talking to a woman. Maybe they remember their own past and how Jesus chose them. Maybe they are too awed at Him and His teaching to think to ask. They are going to see much more from Jesus before it is all through.

Jn. 4:28 – The woman, excited by Jesus statements, can’t wait to carry the water back to the village. This is too important. Who cares about a jar of water when the Messiah is here? In her excitement, she leaves her jar and hurries off to tell other Samaritans about her discovery. Samaritans also looked for the Messiah of whom Moses spoke. This is a discovery that is going to draw some measurable interest. Do you remember the excitement you had when you first found Jesus? Could you try to rekindle that excitement so that you might tell others how they could be walking with Jesus?

Jn. 4:29 – The woman asks a leading question of the city leaders to stir their curiosity. If she tells them outright, they will reject her because of her being a woman and because of her reputation. Her message is similar to the one Philip used in John 1:45. She first relates what has caused her to admire Jesus. He had told her all that she had ever done. Then she appeals to their curiosity. “Could this be the Christ?” By posing a question, they are challenged to investigate. Had she imposed her opinion, they would have probably shrugged her off because of her reputation. This way, she is successful in introducing them to the Messiah that they too were seeking. Does this give you an idea how you might approach someone else for Christ? Jesus can overlook your past, but mankind will hold it against you. Be careful what you do in this life. Forgiveness of sin does not necessarily excuse one from the consequences of that sin.

Jn. 4:30 – A large portion of the community goes out to the well to see Jesus. Whether she approached the aldermen of the city or every person that she could find on the streets of the city, she is not the least hesitant to tell them what she has found. This discovery is far too important to let pass without getting others involved. Their coming out to meet Jesus is also a reflection of their respect for the Christ, even though they don’t fully know whom He is. We should also remember that Christ is to be found if we but come to Him to inquire.

Jesus Appeals to the Disciples

Jn. 4:31 – Meanwhile, back at the well, the disciples admonish the “Rabbi”, Master, Teacher, to eat. Even though they are astonished at Jesus talking to this Samaritan woman, they are concerned that He minister to His physical needs. How quickly we get caught up in the physical and forget the far greater importance of spiritual things!

Jn. 4:32 – They find that Jesus is refreshed and not hungry. In fact, Jesus has a lesson for them that they see as a riddle. There is a time for eating and a time for other things. They offer Him food and He offers them instruction. Jesus is quick to redeem the opportunity to teach his disciples a lesson while the woman is preparing the illustration and proof of what He is about to teach. To minister to the needs of a lost soul is more than nourishment to Him. Food, while still necessary, isn’t as important as it was when they first arrived there. How important is it to you to reach those who are lost and tell them about Jesus?

Jn. 4:33 – The disciples are also too physically minded to be able to comprehend the spiritual. They, like us, think in physical terms about things like food, housing, clothes, etc. while Jesus is speaking in spiritual terms about things like saving sinners from hell and helping those who believe in and love God to live the way God wants them to live. Sometimes, we get so worried about satisfying our stomachs that we will neglect another person who is in worse physical need. It is hard to balance between our own survival and meeting the needs of another person.

Jn. 4:34 – It is Jesus’ turn to feed His flock. Jesus is here for a purpose. This verse sums up His entire career. Jesus delights in expressing Himself in His Father’s work. Nothing fills Him more than to bring a woman, His disciples, and an entire community into a closer understanding and fellowship with God, our Father. His mission to the Father is more fulfilling and important than any food man can offer. He will spend the next 2 ½ years of His life revealing that purpose. This doesn’t mean that He or we don’t need physical food, but nothing in this world is as important as a person’s relationship with God. How is your relationship with God? Is it growing? Who else have you told about it?

Jn. 4:35 – This gives a time reference to this event. The Jews begin their harvest around Passover, which is much earlier than we do in the United States. That places this event around late November. The wheat is hardly sprouted, yet Jesus is already talking about the harvest. People are waiting to know about Christ and God’s Salvation now. Who is going to tell them if you don’t? Wheat that is ready to be harvested is yellow. Wheat that is white is almost past ripe. The harvest is NOW, not a future event! The situation is urgent! The harvest time is a busy time! The harvest time is short! If you don’t get the crop in, there will not be a second chance.

Jesus sees the people from town coming to investigate what the woman told them. Pointing this out to the disciples, He puts their priorities in order. Here are people coming to hear that which He has been sent to teach. They want to know about the Messiah. Now is the time! The sower could be the Old Testament prophet and the reapers could be the disciples. The sower can also be you and me when we are being a Christian witness, and the reapers are those of us who lead people to make their decisions for Christ.

Jn. 4:36 – Spiritual work reaps spiritual wages. In this spiritual harvest, there does not have to be an interval between sowing and reaping. Each may be occurring at the same time. Many times, the person who sows and person who reaps will rejoice together as they witness the harvest of souls for Christ. Christ’s wages are very generous and his benefits are out of this world! We may cry out to Him, but we will never have cause to cry out against Him.

Looking over the area of Sychar and Shechem. Jacob's Well is in the valley in the upper left side of this picture. Photograph courtesy of Tim Dane.

Jn. 4:37 – The woman labored by going back and inviting the people of the city to come and investigate. Here comes her harvest. One person may tell others about Jesus, yet another person may be the one who helps them accept Christ. Each is equally important in reaching that lost person and helping them to come into a personal relationship with Jesus. Cf. Philip. We are not in competition with each other. We are all laborers for the Lord. It is not how many we plant or harvest that counts, but whether we are faithful to what God has called us to do.

Jn. 4:38 – Christians witnessing about their faith in Jesus is labor for the Lord. Other laborers include Jacob, Moses, John the Baptist, etc. It this case, they sowed, but could not reap because the Old Testament made no provision for reaping or salvation. It only rolled back the consequences of sin. In a manner of speaking, the Old Testament prophets labored in sorrow, since they did not get to see the results. New Testament harvesters labor in joy and rejoicing because they know about God’s plan of redemption through Jesus! Those who have shared the Gospel before you have planted seeds into the lives of the persons they talked to. As you share the Good News with others by word and example, some are seeded and others are harvested.

The Town's Response to Jesus

Jn. 4:39 – The testimony of the woman brought many to inquire. Now the first-hand knowledge of Jesus brings many to believe. It is interesting to be aware of the many times that Jesus used women to carry out His work. Women had been treated, in general, as less than human by the men of that era. They had few rights and or respect. Yet, Jesus sees in them, the elements needed to bring His message to the world as much as He saw those elements in men. Jesus was not biased regarding gender. Notice that you don’t have to be a Bible educated person before you can start being a witness for Christ. Indeed, some of the most powerful witnesses in the church are those who are brand new, baby Christians.

Jn. 4:40 – There are those Samaritans who are so wary of the Jews that they will not let them go through their community. These Samaritans, however, have been so engaged by the encounter of the woman that they desire for Jesus to stay with them and teach them more. Her appeal to the men of the city is very effective. Jesus stays and teaches them for two days before continuing on to Galilee. Have you considered how you might appeal to people to entice them to want to learn about the Jesus who died on the cross for their sins?

Jn. 4:41 – Here is a harvest of ripe souls as a result of hearing the Word. This is why Jesus came and why the Church exists today! How interesting that the Jews who have seen some of Christ’s miracles, reject Him, while the Samaritans who have only heard His words, desire Him. What did it take or what will it take for you to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and declare Him as your Lord and Savior?

Jn. 4:42 – The whole town believes because they have now heard for themselves. Salvation is from the Jews, but not just for the Jews. Their belief is transferred from the woman’s comment to Jesus’ words. Note the progress of their faith. First they believed Him a prophet. Now they believe Him to be the Savior of the World, both Jew and Gentile. “Savior of the World” was a phrase common to Roman emperors. Jesus is confessed and recognized as the Savior of the world by the Samaritans before the disciples recognize Him as such. There is no other testimony of any other Samaritans being converted.

Next week, Galileans will get their first real experience of Jesus’ ministry. Now we’re getting into the thick of things. We are going to see miracles and wonders, hear parables and teachings, and see Jesus minister to individuals and crowds to lead them to a closer faith in God. I don’t want to miss it. I hope you don’t want to miss it either.

Read Luke 4:14-16-30; John 4:43-54.

“Walking With Jesus”

Lesson Commentary

Real Soul Food that Satisfies!

We all like food. What kind of food do you like best? – Beef, fish, vegetarian, Mexican, Italian, Chinese, sushi, Indian, Creole, BBQ? Do you prefer home cooked, restaurant, pot-luck, “fast-food”? How about some soul food?

Has anything ever happened to you that revived your life or some aspect thereof? If you are a woman, have you ever felt like society looked down on you for something real or imaginary? Do you have a past that you feel makes you an outcast or second-rate citizen?

We are in John 4:27-42.We have been discussing a conversation that Jesus had with a woman who has a “past”. Jesus asked for a drink of water and then offered her “living water”. She expressed a strong interest, so Jesus instructed her to go get her husband. She denied being married to which Jesus exposed that He knew she had been married 5 times and was currently living with a man she was not married to. She changed the subject to a spiritual issue and then left.

Physical Food is ImportantJohn 4:27-30

The Disciples have returned from the village and are surprised to see Jesus talking with this Samaritan woman. Jews, especially a rabbi, just don’t associate with, or even talk to Samaritans, and above all not a woman! How would you feel if someone you admired and respected was talking to someone you despised?

The woman who was talking with Jesus is so excited that she leaves her water jar and goes to the village to tell them what she has experienced. She introduces her conversation with Jesus with a leading question that arouses the curiosity of the village leaders. First, she relates what caused her to consider Jesus, and then she challenges their curiosity with, “Could this be the Christ.” This causes much of the city to come to investigate what Jesus is about. Samaritans are also looking for the Messiah! What would it take to get you excited about telling others about Jesus? Could you use this approach to get others to investigate Jesus?

Soul Food is More SatisfyingJohn 4:31-34

The Disciples have returned from town with some food and are amazed to see Jesus talking with this woman. They offer Him some food, but He takes the opportunity to tell them that there is more to life than eating. How often do we get caught up in the physical instead of focusing on the spiritual?

Jesus appears refreshed instead of hungry because He gets filled when He is doing God’s work and He knows that He has just made a significant impression on the woman who has now returned to town. Have you ever said or done something that made an impression on others for Jesus?

People are Hungry for Soul FoodJohn 4:35-39

Jesus changes the subject to harvesting, which is four months away. There could very likely be a field of grain nearby that will soon be ripe for harvest. Jesus uses this to make a point.

He gets excited as He looks beyond the Disciples and sees a woman, and a village coming to learn about how they can make their lives better. Yellow wheat is ripe. White wheat is past ripe! This harvest of souls for God’s Kingdom is very urgent!People are very hungry to know about Jesus! What are you doing to tell them so they can be “harvested” into God’s Eternal Granary?

Jesus reminds us that we each have different parts to play in the work of His Church. One plants, another cultivates, another harvests and still another takes that harvest and puts it to the use for which it is intended. What role do you play in the harvest of Jesus’ Church?

Soul Food Satisfies!John 4:40-42

Though this Samaritan woman is likely looked down on, she phrases her comment in such a way as to pique the curiosity. This causes them to come and investigate to see if Jesus is who this woman says He us. What did it take to get you to come and investigate Jesus for yourself?

When the people from Sychar hear Jesus speak, they invite Him to stay with them and teach them more about what God wants them to hear, believe and do. He stays two days, and is well received by the people. Nothing is said about whether He does any miracles while there. This woman hardly knows Jesus, yet is already an evangelist! You don’t have to be a Bible college graduate or long-time Christian to bring others to Jesus.


The woman got the town’s people to come listen to Jesus, but their belief in Him is based on His testimony, not her life. Don’t ever let another person come between you and your relationship with Jesus Christ or you will likewise come as a stumbling block between others who are likewise seeking to see Jesus!

Next week: Rejection! Jesus gets it, understands it and deals with it.

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